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Lastest announcements
0.24.1: Update Notes!
- Fixed God's Trial dedication.
- Removed GT2 solo, added GT1 solo.
- Fixed dungeons rewards (Tok, Tenebras, Sickle Island).
- Mounted Combat Bright Soul now enter in most dungeons.
- Summit of Elements raid now drops unbound items.
- Receive x3 presence tokens on weekends.
Hell Gaming Team, 8 days ago
0.24.0: Update Notes!
- ⭐ New item: Hell Lottery!
- With this item, you have the chance to receive:
- Demon Orb for golden items
- Elemental Set Lv85
- Hell Craft
- Hell Parchment
- How to obtain Hell Lottery:
- Frostgale Fjord 12s x1 per day
- Tomb of Kings x1 per day
- Sickle Island x2 per day
- Tenebra Mines x3 per day
- ⭐ New system for Fusion Gems and Gem Token!
- Available for purchase with the new currency Hell Presence Token, obtainable by:
- Staying in the plaza in Freedom Harbor
- Daily login via the F12 menu or by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen
- ⭐ Gods Trial 2 solo dungeon!
- Purple & Blue Flux
- Hell Parchment
- Hell Token
- Hell Craft
- 10 Dedication points added to GT2 solo. Removed:
- King Claudius no longer gives Dedication.
- GT2 with a pet no longer gives Dedication.
- 🚨 Zodiac Bosses
- ⏰ Zodiac time changed to 8pm server time
- __Moved to the Crucible map! Entrance via the PvP Shop NPC __
- The 3 bosses spawn in the northwest part of the map
- HP reduced by 50%
- Elemental Bosses' HP reduced by 50%
- Maps blocked for PvE clients:
- Elemental Bosses map
- Crucible
- Weekly Arena quest now gives a random epic mount for 7 days
- Added (Hell Free to Play) items, previously sent via mail, to all TPs in the game
- Added luck quests to the Token Shop NPC, each quest gives 10k Tokens
- 100% augmented Super Flux added to the Token Shop NPC
- Added Hell Tokenx9999 (free to trade) pack to the Token Shop NPC
Hell Gaming Team, 17 days ago
0.23.2: Update notes!
- 12s Wargod now gives 1k Wargod points
- 12s Wargod now gives 2 Fusion Agents
- Hero 3 is now available with Wargod points at npc PvP Shop. Costing 1k each piece and 2k weapon.
Hell Gaming Team, a month ago
0.23.1: Update notes!
- Fixed all Rotative fashions for Lycan
- Fixed pricing of Hero 2 at mail
Hell Gaming Team, a month ago
0.23.0: Update notes!
- Enabled refinement transfer between +12 gear
- Added Hero2 Healing Effect/resistance combo for Priest, Bard and Vampire
- It is now possible to transfer the leadership of lv1 guilds (it is necessary to appoint a vice leader to then transfer the leadership)
- Added Lionheart Scroll, Demon Crystal Shard, Sanguine Infusion and Elixir of Legends to mailbox starting item tab
- Increased the amount of Brilliance of Glory obtained from the first win of the day in Frostgale Fjord (12s) from 5 to 300
- Buy Hell Craft and Hell Parchment directly with 12s points, no need for Hell Token
- Mana Badge now heals 12k mana
- 4 Hell Craft per Arena match
- New items added to Rotative Shop: All these items are available for preview on the Eyrda Boutique (pressing J in-game)
- Wings:
- Brilliance Wings
- Fire Feathers Wings
- Purple Love Star Wings
- Deep Sea Wings
- Mounts:
- [Combat] Black Unicorn
- [Combat] Yellow Unicorn
- Sacred Flying Mouse
- Manticore Stinger
- Pets:
- Cang Yue Gu Jue
- Xiong Youchengzhu
- Nong Qing Shuai Shuai
- Pure Love Meng Meng
- Starry Night Messenger
- Rabbit Luo
- Rabbit Bei
- Fashions:
- Female:
- Flower Language set
- Gothic Labyrinth set
- Demon Bride's set
- Gentlewoman's Moonlit set
- Fluttering Butterfly set
- Night Sleep set
- Shadow Illusion set
- Romantic Rose set
- Male:
- Gentleman's set
- Punk Wasteland set
- Baron's Crimson set
- Cloud Elegance set
- Tattered Wing Butterfly set
- Tender Locks set
- Ethereal Beyond set
- Whispering Vow set
Hell Gaming Team, a month ago
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